What do you feed your animals?
Grassfed: Our beef cattle are 100% grass fed and finished. They do not get any grain ever. Rotationally Grazed: During the summer months we move them daily to fresh pasture. During the winter months we use regenerative farming techniques like bale grazing or unrolling bales to feed and move the cattle.
No Growth Hormones.
Pasture Raised: Our hogs are pasture raised and rotated every 1-2 weeks on fresh pasture.
No-GMOS: Our hogs are fed a non-GMO grain that contains soy and corn.
No Growth Hormones.
Chicken Broilers (Meat Birds) and Egg Layers:
Pasture Raised: Our Broiler Chickens are raised only during the warm summer months and are moved onto fresh pasture every day. Our laying hens are truly free ranged and moved about every 2 days in portable chicken coops we call “schooners” during the warmer months when forage is growing in Michigan. During the colder winter months, we use a deep bedding system and roll out hay for our layers to forage through.
No-GMOS: Our poultry are fed a non-GMO grain that contains soy and corn.
No Growth Hormones or antibiotics.
Grassfed: Our sheep are 100% grass fed and finished. They do not get any grain ever. Rotationally Grazed: During the summer months we move them every other day to fresh pasture.
No Growth Hormones.
Grassfed: Our beef cattle are 100% grass fed and finished. They do not get any grain ever. Rotationally Grazed: During the summer months we move them daily to fresh pasture. During the winter months we use regenerative farming techniques like bale grazing or unrolling bales to feed and move the cattle.
No Growth Hormones.
Pasture Raised: Our hogs are pasture raised and rotated every 1-2 weeks on fresh pasture.
No-GMOS: Our hogs are fed a non-GMO grain that contains soy and corn.
No Growth Hormones.
Chicken Broilers (Meat Birds) and Egg Layers:
Pasture Raised: Our Broiler Chickens are raised only during the warm summer months and are moved onto fresh pasture every day. Our laying hens are truly free ranged and moved about every 2 days in portable chicken coops we call “schooners” during the warmer months when forage is growing in Michigan. During the colder winter months, we use a deep bedding system and roll out hay for our layers to forage through.
No-GMOS: Our poultry are fed a non-GMO grain that contains soy and corn.
No Growth Hormones or antibiotics.
Grassfed: Our sheep are 100% grass fed and finished. They do not get any grain ever. Rotationally Grazed: During the summer months we move them every other day to fresh pasture.
No Growth Hormones.
Updated on: 25/04/2024
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