Is Rebel Pasture Organic?
We are not organic certified and proud of that fact. The truth is that in the current state of our food system-organic means very little if you don't know the farmer that raised the food you are eating. This label claim, just like pasture raised, grassfed, free range, cage free, etc, have all been hijacked so they no longer have any meaning behind them. A large amount of organic food is even being imported from outside our country-where we have no idea how it's treated, raised, or processed. HerFeaturedWhat breeds of livestock do you raise?
Cattle: Our cattle breeds are Red Angus and Akaushi. Hogs: Our hog breeds are Red Wattle, Large Black, and Berkshire. All of our hog breeds are heritage. Lambs: We use one breed of lamb, the Katahdin. Meat Chickens: Our meat chicken breed is the Cornish Cross. Egg-laying Hens: Our egg-layer breeds are ISA Brown and Bovan Brown.Few readersDo you use Roundup or other sprays?
We do not use any Roundup or other herbicides, fungicides or pesticides on our farms.Few readers